Relationship of Perpendicularity

Relationship of Perpendicularity

Relationship between two lines that form a right angle or between two orthogonal planes.


  • The relationship on the set of lines in the plane is symmetric, but it is neither reflexive nor transitive.
  • It is symmetric : if \(_{1}\) ⊥ \(_{2}\), then \(_{2}\) ⊥ \(_{1}\).
  • It is not reflexive : a line  cannot be perpendicular to itself.
  • It is not transitive : if \(_{1}\) ⊥ \(_{2}\) and \(_{2}\) ⊥ \(_{3}\), then \(_{1}\) // \(_{3}\).


The symbol for the relationship of perpendicularity is “⊥” which means “is perpendicular to”.


  • Line \(_{1}\) is perpendicular to line \(_{2}\).

  • These two planes are perpendicular: :

Note that in the case of three different planes, it is possible to have \(∏_1, ∏_2\) and \(∏_3\), with \(∏_1\) ⊥ \(∏_2\), \(∏_2\) ⊥ \(∏_3\) and \(∏_1\) ⊥ \(∏_3\).  However, for three lines 12 and 3, in the same plane, it is not possible for 1 ⊥ 22 ⊥ 3 and 1 ⊥ 3 at the same time.

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