Discriminant of a Second-Degree Equation

Discriminant of a Second-Degree Equation

Name given to the expression “B2 – 4AC” that is used to find the solutions of the second-degree polynomial equation Ax2 + Bx + C = 0.


The symbol “Δ”, read as “delta”, is generally used to represent the discriminant of a second-degree polynomial equation.


The sign of the discriminant provides information on the nature of the roots of the equation. The roots can be real and distinct if Δ > 0, real and equal if Δ = 0 or imaginary if Δ < 0.


  • Consider the equation  + 5x – 12 = 0; the discriminant is Δ = 25 – 4(1 × –12) = 73.
  • Consider the equation 3 – 7x – 12 = 0; the discriminant is Δ = 49 – 4(3 × –12) = 193.

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