Number that can be expressed in the form of the quotient of two integers a and b where b is not zero.
Rational numbers can be written in different forms, including fractional notation, decimal notation and percentage notation.
The symbol used to represent the set of rational number is the letter \(\mathbb{Q}\).
- Any fraction can represent a rational number.
- The number \(\frac {10}{15}\) is a fraction that is equivalent to \(\frac {2}{3}\).
- The expression \(\frac {4}{3}\) represents a rational number.
- The decimal number 0.75 is also a rational number because it can be expressed in the form of the quotient of two integers, like this: \(\frac {3}{4}\).
- The number \(\sqrt {2}\) is not a rational number because we cannot express it as a quotient of two integers.