Surface of Revolution

Surface of Revolution

Surface formed by rotating a curve, called the generatrix, about a fixed line called the axis of revolution of the surface.


  • A right circular cone is a surface of revolution in which the generatrix is a line that cuts the axis of revolution at a point called the apex of the cone.
    Surface de Révolution-Cône
  • A right circular cylinder is a surface of revolution in which a generatrix is a line parallel to the axis of revolution.Surface de Révolution-Cylindre
  • A hyperboloid of revolution is a surface of revolution formed by rotating a hyperbola (generatrix) about one of the axes of symmetry (axis of revolution). Depending on the axis chosen, the hyperboloid of revolution has one nappe or two nappes.Surface de Révolution-Hyperboloïde
  • A paraboloid of revolution is a surface of revolution formed by rotating a parabola (generatrix) about its axis of symmetry (axis of revolution).
    Surface de Révolution-Paraboloïde

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