Similar Solids

Similar Solids

Two solids are similar if one is an enlargement, a reduction or a reproduction of the other.


  • All cubes are similar solids.
  • All spheres are similar solids.
  • The corresponding lengths in similar solids are proportional.


The dimensions of prism A are : a, b and c.

The dimensions of a similar prism B are : ka, kb and kc.

The ratio of similarity is k :

  • If \(k=1\), then the two solids are congruent; one is a reproduction of the other.
  • If \(0< k< 1\), then prism B is a reduction of prism A;
  • If \(k> 1\), then prism B is an enlargement of prism A.

The volume of solid B is equal to the volume of solid A multiplied by the cube of the ratio of similarity k.

The area of solid B is equal to the area of solid A multiplied by the square of the ratio of similarity k.

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