Prime Power

Prime Power

Number that can be expressed as the power of one single prime number.

Prime powers are commonly used when we factor a number or when we determine the GCD or the LCM of two or more numbers.


  • 72 = 23 × 32
    32 = 25
    200 = 23 × 52
    PGCD (72, 32, 200) = 23 = 8
    PPCM(72, 32, 200)  = 25 × 32 × 52 = 32 × 9 × 25 = 7200
  • The number 16 is a prime power because 16 = 24.
  • The number 625 is a prime power because 625 = 54.
  • The number 18 is not a prime power because it cannot be expressed as a power of a single prime number.

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