Position Table (Or Numeral Table)

Position Table (Or Numeral Table)

In a number, each of the digits occupies a different position.

  • The positions have different names: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.
  • The number “one million” is written as: 1 000 000 or \(10^{6}\)
  • The number “one billion” is written as: 1 000 000 000 or \(10^{9}\)


In the number 345 678 written in base 10,

  • the digit 3 occupies the hundred thousands position and its value is 300 000,
  • the digit 4 occupies the ten thousands position and its value is 40 000,
  • the digit 5 occupies the thousands position and its value is 5 000,
  • the digit 6 occupies the hundreds position and its value is 600,
  • the digit 7 occupies the tens position and its value is 70,
  • the digit 8 occupies the ones position and its value is 8.

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