

A polygon with eight sides.


  • An octagon is a regular octagon if all its sides are congruent and if all its interior angles have the same measure.
  • An octagon has eight interior angles and, if it is a regular octagon, each of its interior angles measures 135°.
  • The sum of the interior angles of a convex octagon is 1080°.


Consider an octagon with a side length c and an apothem a in which r is the radius of the circumscribed circle.

A formula to calculate the area A of a regular octagon of radius \(r\) is:


Another formula to calculate the area A of a regular octagon of side length c and apothem a is:


The formula to calculate the area A of a regular octagon of side length c is:

\(A=2c^{2}\left ( 1+\sqrt{2}\right )\).


This is a regular octagon inscribed in a circle that has an apothem a:

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