Nth Root Function

Nth Root Function

Function defined by a relationship of the form f(x) = \(\sqrt[n]{x}\), where x ∈ \(\mathbb{R}_{+}\), if n is even and not equal to zero, or x ∈ \(\mathbb{R}\) if n is odd.


  • Consider the function defined by the relationship \(f(x) = {x^2}\). The graph of f is shown below, as is the graph of the reciprocal relation of f (dashed line), which can be divided into two to form the graphs of the functions g and h which are two square root functions :

racine n-ieme

  • Consider the function defined by the relationship \(f(x) = {x^3}\); in this case, it can be noted that the reciprocal of the function is also a function and corresponds to the cube root function \(g\left ( x \right )=\sqrt[3]{x}\) :

racine cubique

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