Edge of a Geometric Solid

Edge of a Geometric Solid

Line segment where two surfaces of a geometric solid meet.

In a solid, an edge is a segment at the intersection of two plane or curved surfaces.


Euler’s formula can be applied in polyhedra that can be represented using a connected graph. In this case, the sum of the number of vertices (V) and faces (F) is equal to the number of edges (E) plus 2, that is: S + F = A + 2.


   V + F = A + 2
8 + 6 = 12 + 2
V + F = A + 2
9 + 9 = 16 + 2

The polyhedron shown below cannot be represented by a connected graph. Therefore, Euler’s formula cannot be applied.

V + F ≠ A + 2
16 + 11 ≠ 24 + 2
27 ≠ 26
This graph
is disconnected.

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