Mathematical Expression

Mathematical Expression

Description of a situation in which mathematical symbols are used such as digits, operation symbols, relationship symbols or grouping symbols (parentheses, square brackets, etc.).

Synonym for number sentence.

A mathematical expression is a finite combination of symbols organized according to rules based on the context. The mathematical symbols can represent numbers (constants), variables, arithmetic, algebraic or logical operations, functions, punctuation and groupings to determine the order of operations and other aspects of logical syntax.


The following expressions are mathematical expressions :

  • 3 + 7
  • 5x – 12 = 27
  • 6x(3y + 25) = 12xy
  • f(x) = 4x – 16
  • P ∧ Q
  • E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
  • 2(4 + 10) – 10(12 + 3)2

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