Absolute Value of a Real Number

Absolute Value of a Real Number

Positive real number that is equal to x if x is positive and that is equal to –x if x is strictly negative.


The symbol is “| |” which is read as: “the absolute value of”.

The absolute value of a real number corresponds to the distance that separates this number from the origin on a number line. The distance between 0 and –10 is the same as between 0 and 10.
The absolute value of x and –x is x and we can write: | –x | = | x | = x.


There are four laws governing the concept of absolute value:

  • | 0 | = 0
  • If x ≠ 0, | x | > 0
  • | x × y | = | x | × | y |
  • | x + y | ≤ | x | + | y |


  • | –12 | = 12
  • | 12 | = 12

Historical Note

The first person to use the absolute value symbol (like |24|) was Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) in 1841 to represent the absolute value of a complex number a + bi like: |a + bi|.

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