Grouping of 100 ones in the decimal number system.
- In the number 235, the digit 2 occupies the hundreds position and its place value is 200.
- In the number 3425, the digit 4 occupies the hundreds position and its place value is 400.
- The value of the digit 6 in the number 654 is “six hundreds” or “600”.
- One hundred is equivalent to a grouping of 100 ones.
- The number 3200 can be read as “thirty-two hundreds”.
- 1 hundred is equal to 100 ones.
- 5 hundreds is equal to 500 ones.
- 1 hundred is equal to 10 tens.
- 1 thousand is equal to 10 hundreds.
The number 100 is the second positive power of 10: 100 = \(10^2\)