Column Matrix

Column Matrix

Matrix with m lines and 1 column.


This is a column matrix with 3 rows and 1 column: A = \(\begin{pmatrix}1\\3\\–3\end{pmatrix}\).

  • VThis is a 3 × 3 matrix: B = \(\begin{pmatrix}1 & 7 & 9\\3 & –5 & –7\\–3 &4 & 2\end{pmatrix}\).
  • The three column matrices of B are 3 × 1 matrices: \(\begin{pmatrix}1\\3\\–3\end{pmatrix}\), \(\begin{pmatrix}7\\–5\\4\end{pmatrix}\) and \(\begin{pmatrix}9\\–7\\2\end{pmatrix}\).

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