- Abacus
- Absolute Error
- Absolute Value Function
- Absolute Value of a Real Number
- Absorbing Element
- Abundant Number
- Acre
- Acute Angle
- Acute Triangle
- Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
- Adding Fractions
- Adding Functions
- Adding Matrices
- Adding Vectors
- Addition
- Addition Equation
- Addition Of Irrational Numbers
- Addition of Rational Numbers
- Addition of Real Numbers
- Additive Inverse
- Adjacent
- Adjacent Angles
- Adjacent Faces
- Adjacent Sides
- Adjacent Vertices
- Affine Function
- Algebra
- Algebraic Equation
- Algebraic Expression
- Algebraic Function
- Algebraic Identity
- Algebraic Measure
- Algebraic Number
- Algebraic Operation
- Algebraic Structure
- Algebraic Sum
- Algorithm
- Aliquant Part of an Integer
- Aliquot Part of a Whole
- Alphabetical Order Number
- Alphametic
- Alternate Angles
- Alternate Exterior Angles
- Alternate Interior Angles
- Amalie Emmy Noether (1882-1935)
- Amicable Numbers
- Amortization
- Amplitude
- Amplitude of a Periodic Function
- Amplitude of a Sinusoidal Function
- Amplitude of a Statistical Class
- Amplitude of an Interval
- Angle
- Angle Bisector
- Angle in a Plane
- Angle of Depression
- Angle of Elevation
- Angle Of Rotation
- Angular Sector
- Annuities
- Annulus
- Antecedent
- Anti-Reflexive Relation
- Antisymmetric Relation
- Antitransitive Relation
- Apex
- Apothem of a Regular Polygon
- Application
- Approximate Value
- Approximation
- Approximation by Rounding
- Approximation by Truncation
- Arabic Numeral
- Arc
- Arc Cosecant
- Arc Cosine
- Arc Cotangent
- Arc of a Graph
- Arc Secant
- Arc Sine
- Arc Tangent
- Archimedean Solid
- Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 287- c. 212 BCE)
- Are
- Area
- Area of a Circle
- Area of a Polygon
- Argument
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetic Function
- Arithmetic Mean
- Arithmetic Progression
- Arithmetic Sequence
- Arrangement
- Arrow Diagram
- Aryabhata (476 – 550)
- As Much
- Ascending
- Ascending Order
- Associative Operation
- Associative Property
- Asymmetric Relation
- Asymptote
- Attribute
- Augmented Matrix
- Auguste Ferdinand Möbius (1790-1868)
- Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871)
- Axial Symmetry
- Axiom
- Axis of Revolution
- Axis of Symmetry
- Axonometric Projection
- Azimuth
- Bar Graph
- Base Element
- Base of a 2-Dimensional Figure
- Base of a Geometric Solid
- Base of a Logarithm
- Base of a Number System
- Base of a Power
- Base of an Exponential Equation
- Base of an Exponential Function
- Base of an Exponentiation
- Basic Form of a Function
- Basis for a Vector Space
- Bias
- Biconditional
- bijection
- Billion
- Binary Numeral System
- Binary Operation
- Binary Relation
- Binomial
- Bipoint
- Bipyramid
- Boolean Operation
- Borrowing
- Bound
- Boundary
- Box and Whisker Plot
- Braces
- Broken Line
- Broken Line Graph
- Cabinet Perspective
- Cabinet Projection
- Calculation
- Capacity
- Capital
- Cardinal Number
- Cardinal of a Set
- Cardinality
- Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)
- Carroll Diagram
- Cartesian Coordinate System
- Cartesian Coordinates of a Point
- Cartesian Graph
- Cartesian Plane
- Cartesian Product of Sets
- Cartesian Square
- Cartesian System
- Cavalier Perspective
- Cavalier Projection
- Census
- Centilitre
- Centimetre
- Central Angle
- Central Angle of a Regular Polygon
- Central Projection
- Centre
- Centre of a Circle
- Centre of a Graph
- Centre of a Hyperbola
- Centre of a Line Segment
- Centre of a Regular Polygon
- Centre of a Sphere
- Centre of an Arc of a Circle
- Centre of Dilation
- Centre of Gravity of a Triangle
- Centre of Rotation
- Centre of Symmetry of a Geometric Figure
- Centroid
- Century
- Certain Digit
- Certain Event
- Cevian
- Chain
- Chance (Possible Result)
- Chance (Unpredictability)
- Change of Scale
- Characteristic
- Characteristic of Dispersion
- Chord
- Christian Goldbach (1690-1764)
- Christian Kramp (1760-1826)
- Christoff Rudolff (1499-1545)
- Christopher Clavius (1538-1612)
- Chromatic Number
- Chronogram
- Circle
- Circle Graph
- Circle in a Cartesian Plane
- Circle in a Geometric Plane
- Circuit
- Circular Function
- Circular Sector
- Circular Segment
- Circular System
- Circular Trigonometry
- Circumference
- Circumference of a Circle
- Circumference of a Sphere
- Circumscribed Circle of a Polygon
- Class
- Classification
- Claudius Ptolemy (C. 85 – C. 165)
- Closed Curve
- Closed Graph
- Closed Plane Surface
- Cluster
- Coefficient
- Coefficient of a Monomial
- Coefficient of Determination
- Coefficient of Linear Correlation
- Coefficient of Proportionality
- Coefficient of Variation of a Population (Statistics)
- Cofunction
- Collinear Points
- Collinear Vectors
- Cologarithm
- Column
- Column Matrix
- Combination
- Combinatorics
- Common Denominator
- Common Logarithm of a Number
- Commutative Operation
- Commutative Property
- Comparison
- Compass
- Compatible Events
- Compatible Matrices
- Compilation Table
- Complement of a Set
- Complementary Angles
- Complementary Events
- Complementary Graph
- Complete Graph
- Complex Fraction
- Complex Number
- Composite Event
- Composite Number
- Composition of Functions
- Compound Interest
- concave
- Concave Polygon
- Concave Quadrilateral
- Concavity
- Concentric
- Concentric Circles
- Concurrent Lines
- Conditional
- Conditional Probability
- Cone
- Cone of Revolution
- Confidence Interval
- Congruence of Geometric Figures
- Congruence of Numbers
- Congruent
- Congruent Angles
- Congruent Figures
- Congruent Line Segments
- Congruent Numbers Modulo N
- Congruent Polygons
- Congruent Sides
- Congruent Triangles
- Conic Section
- Conical Perspective
- Conical Surface
- Conjecture
- Conjugate Axis
- Conjunction
- Connected Graph
- Connected Relation
- Connector
- Consecutive
- Consecutive Whole Numbers
- Consequence
- Constant
- Constant Function
- Constant Term
- Constraint
- Continuous Function
- Continuous Random Variable
- Contraction
- Contradiction
- Contraposition
- Convergent Sequence
- Convex
- Convex Polygon
- Convex Polyhedron
- Convex Quadrilateral
- Convex Solid
- Convexity
- Coordinate
- Coordinate System
- Coordinates of a Point
- Coplanar
- Coplanar Lines
- Coplanar Points
- Corollary
- correlation
- Correlation Table
- Corresponding
- Corresponding Angles (Lines Cut by a Transversal)
- Corresponding Angles (Similar Figures)
- Corresponding Elements
- Corresponding Sides
- Cosecant Function
- Cosecant of an Angle
- Cosine Function
- Cosine Law
- Cosine of an Angle
- Cost Price
- Cotangent Function
- Cotangent of an Angle
- Countable Set
- Counter-Clockwise Direction
- Counting
- Cramer’s Rule
- Criterion
- Critical Path
- Cryptarithm
- Cube
- Cube Number
- Cube of a Number
- Cube Root Function
- Cube Root of a Real Number
- Cubic Centimetre
- Cubic Decimetre
- Cubic Function
- Cubic Metre
- Curvature
- Curve
- Curved line
- Cycle
- Cylinder
- Cylinder of Revolution
- Cylindrical Surface
- Day
- De Morgan’s Laws
- Decade
- Decagon
- Decahedron
- Decalitre
- Decametre
- Decile
- Decilitre
- Decimal Expansion of a Number
- Decimal Fraction
- Decimal Notation
- Decimal Number
- Decimal Number System
- Decimal Numeral System
- Decimal Part of a Real Number
- Decimal Place
- Decimal Point
- Decimal Sequence
- Decimetre
- Decomposable Solid
- Decomposition
- Decomposition of a Number
- Decomposition of a Polynomial
- Decreasing
- Decreasing Function
- Decreasing Sequence
- Deficient Number
- Degree of a Monomial
- Degree of a Polynomial
- Degree of a Vertex of a Graph
- Degree of an Angle
- Deltahedron
- Deltoid
- Denominate Number
- Denominator
- Dependent Events
- Dependent Variable
- Descending Order
- Descriptive Statistics
- Determinant
- Deviation
- Diagonal
- Diagonal Matrix
- Diagonal of a Polygon
- Diagonal of a Polyhedron
- Diagram
- Diameter
- Diameter of a Graph
- Difference
- Difference (in Arithmetic Sequence)
- Difference Between Two Numbers
- Difference of Sets
- Digit
- Digital Product
- Digital Root
- Digital Sum
- Dihedral Angle
- Dilation in a Cartesian Plane
- Dimension
- Dimension of a Table
- Dimension of a Vector Space
- Dimensions of a Matrix
- Dimetric Perspective
- Dimetric Projection
- Direct Isometry
- Direct Variation
- Direct Variation Function
- Directed Graph
- Directed Line
- Directed Line Segment
- Direction of Rotation
- Directrix
- Discontinuity
- Discount
- Discrete Random Variable
- Discriminant of a Second-Degree Equation
- Disjoint
- Disjoint Sets
- Disjunction
- Dispersion
- Dispersion Parameter
- Disphenoid
- Distance
- Distance Between a Point and a Line
- Distance Between Two Parallel Lines
- Distance Between Two Points on a Cartesian Plane
- Distance Between Two Points on a Line
- Distance in a Graph
- Distance of a Vertex in a Graph
- Distribution
- Distribution Function of a Random Variable
- Distribution Function of a Statistical Variable
- Distribution Table (Or Frequency Table)
- Distributive Operation
- Distributive Property
- Divergent Sequence
- Dividend
- Dividing Fractions
- Dividing Real Numbers
- Dividing Whole Numbers
- Divisibility
- Divisibility Criterion
- Divisibility Rule
- Divisible
- Division
- Division Equation
- Divisor
- Dodecagon
- Dodecahedron
- Domain
- Domain of a Function
- Duration
- e (constant)
- Eccentricity of a Conic Section
- Eccentricity of a Vertex in a Graph
- Economic Function
- Edge
- Edge of a Geometric Solid
- Edge of a Graph
- Edge of a Polygonal Chain
- Element in a Set
- Elementary Chain
- Elementary Circuit
- Elementary Cycle
- Elementary Event
- Elementary Path
- Eleven
- Ellipse
- Ellipse in a Cartesian Plane
- Empty Set
- Enlargement
- Enneagon
- Enumeration
- Equal Sets
- Equality
- Equation
- Equation of a Line
- Equiangular
- Equiangular Polygon
- Equidistant
- Equilateral
- Equilateral Hyperbola
- Equilateral Polygon
- Equilateral Triangle
- Equipollence
- Equipollent Bipoints
- Equipotent Sets
- Equiprobable Events
- Equivalence
- Equivalence Class
- Equivalence Relationship
- Equivalent
- Equivalent Decimal Numbers
- Equivalent Equations
- Equivalent Figures
- Equivalent Fractions
- Equivalent Matrix
- Equivalent Propositions
- Equivalent Solids
- Eratosthenes (C. 276 BCE – C.194 BCE)
- Error
- Escribed Circle, or Excircle, of a Triangle
- Estimate
- Approximation by Estimation
- Estimation
- Euclid (~300 B.C.)
- Euclidean Division
- Euler’s Formula
- Eulerian Chain
- Eulerian Circuit
- Eulerian Cycle
- Eulerian Graph
- Eulerian Path
- Even Node
- Even Number
- Event
- Eventuality
- Exclusive Disjunction
- Expanded Form
- Expected Value
- Expected Value of a Random Variable
- Experimental or Frequential Probability
- Exponent
- Exponential
- Exponential Equation
- Exponential Function
- Exponential Notation
- Exponentiation
- Extensional Definition of a Set
- Exterior Angle
- Exterior Angle of a Circle
- Exterior Angle of a Polygon
- Exterior of a Conic Section
- External Composition Law
- External Operation
- Extrapolation
- Extremum
- Face
- Face of a Solid
- Factor
- Factor Tree
- Factored Form
- Factored Form of a Polynomial
- Factorial
- Factoring
- Factorization
- Factorization of a Polynomial
- Fair Die
- False equality
- Family
- Favourable Outcome
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Field
- Figurate Number
- Figure
- Figures With Line Symmetry
- Finite Sequence
- Finite Set
- First-Degree Equation
- First-Degree Equation in One Unknown
- First-Degree Equation in Two Variables
- Fixed Line
- Fixed Point
- Flip
- Flip
- Floor Function
- Focus
- Forest
- Formula
- Fourth Proportional
- Fractal
- Fractal Figure
- Fraction
- Fraction Bar
- Fraction Bar Model
- Fractional Expression
- Fractional Notation
- Fractional Part of a Decimal Number
- Frame of Reference of a Coordinate System
- François Viète (1540-1603)
- Frequency
- Frequency of a Periodic Function
- Frequency Polygon
- Frieze
- Frustum
- Frustum of a Cone
- Frustum of a Pyramid
- Full Angle
- Function
- Function That Is Discontinuous on a Given Interval
- Function to Be Optimized
- Functional Form of the Equation of a Line
- Gabriel Cramer (1704 – 1752)
- General Equation
- General Form
- General Form of a Function
- Generatrix
- Geoboard
- Geometric Cube
- Geometric Figure
- Geometric Locus
- Geometric Mean
- Geometric Operation
- Geometric Point
- Geometric Probability
- Geometric Progression
- Geometric Sequence
- Geometric Solid
- Geometric Space
- Geometric Transformation
- Geometric Vector
- Geometry
- Georg Cantor (1845-1918)
- Glide Reflection Symmetry
- Golden Ratio
- Golden Rectangle
- Googol
- googolplex
- Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716)
- Graduations on an Axis
- Gram
- Graph (Graph Theory)
- Graph Size
- Graph Theory
- Graph (visual representation)
- Great Circle of a Sphere
- Greatest Common Divisor
- Greatest Integer Function
- Group
- Grouping
- Growth
- Half
- Half-Circle Function
- Half-Ellipse Function
- Half-Plane
- Hamiltonian Chain
- Hamiltonian Circuit
- Hamiltonian Cycle
- Hamiltonian Path
- Hectare
- Hectolitre
- Hectometre
- Height
- Height of a Cone
- Height of a Cylinder
- Height of a Parallelogram
- Height of a Prism
- Height of a Pyramid
- Height of a Trapezoid
- Height of a Triangle
- Hemisphere
- Hendecagon
- Heptadecagon
- Heptagon
- Heptahedron
- Heron’s Formula
- Hexadecagon
- Hexagon
- Hexagonal Number
- Hexahedron
- Histogram
- Hollow Cylinder
- Hollow Sphere
- Homographic Function
- Homography
- Homothetic Figures
- Homothetic Polygons
- Homothetic Triangles
- Honeycomb
- Hour
- Hundred
- Hypatia of Alexandria (~355-415)
- Hyperbola in a Cartesian Plane
- Hypotenuse
- Hypothesis
- Icosahedron
- Identity Element
- Identity Matrix
- Identity Relation (or Identity)
- Image of a Figure Under a Geometric Transformation
- Imaginary Number
- Imaginary Part of a Complex Number
- Impossible Event
- Improper Fraction
- Incident
- Incircle, or Inscribed Circle, of a Polygon
- Inclusion Relation
- Incompatible Events
- Incompatible Relations
- Inconsistent Equation
- Inconsistent Data
- Inconsistent Statistical Data
- Increasing Function
- Increasing Sequence
- Independent Events
- Independent Variable
- Indeterminate Equation
- Index
- Inequality
- Infinite Set
- Infinity
- Inflection Point
- Inscribed Angle
- Integer
- Integral Divisor
- Intensional Definition of a Set
- Interest Rate
- Interior Angle of a Circle
- Interior Angle of a Convex Polygon
- Interior Angles
- Interior of a Conic Section
- Internal Composition Law on a Set E
- Internal Operation
- Interpolation
- Interquartile Deviation
- Interquartile Interval
- Interquartile Range
- Intersecting Lines
- Intersecting Node
- Intersecting Planes
- Intersection of Geometric Figures
- Intersection of Sets
- Intersection of Two Lines
- Interval
- Invariant
- Inverse
- Inverse Element
- Inverse Function
- Inverse of a Number
- Inverse Operation
- Inverse Pairs
- Inverse Proposition
- Inverse Variation
- Inversely Proportional Quantities
- Invertible
- Invertible Function
- Invertible Matrix
- Investment
- Irrational Equation
- Irrational Number
- Is Greater Than
- Is Less Than
- Isometric Perspective
- Isometric Projection
- Isometry
- Isosceles Polygon
- Isosceles Right Triangle
- Isosceles Trapezoid
- Isosceles Triangle
- Iteration
- Johann Rahn (1622-1676)
- Johannes Widmann (1460-1498)
- John Napier (1550-1617)
- John Venn (1834-1923)
- John Wallis (1616-1703)
- Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897)
- Katherine Johnson (1918- …)
- Kilogram
- Kilometre
- Kite
- Lateral Area of a Solid
- Lateral Face
- Lateral Surface
- Latitude
- Lattice
- Latus Rectum
- Law
- Law of Composition
- Law of Signs
- Least Integer Function
- Leg Of A Right Triangle
- Lemma
- Length
- Leonardo Fibonacci (~1180-1250)
- Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
- Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
- Like Terms
- Limit of a Function
- Limit of a Number Sequence
- Limit of a Statistical Class
- Limit of a Variable
- Line
- Line Mapping Corresponding Points in a Geometric Transformation
- Line of Reflection
- Line of Regression
- Line of Symmetry
- Line Segment
- Linear Combination
- Linear Correlation
- Linear Equation
- Linear Extrapolation
- Linear Function
- Linear Interpolation
- Linear Regression
- Linear Relationship
- Linear Rule
- Linearly Dependent Vectors
- Linearly Independent Vectors
- Lines Mapping Corresponding Points in a Dilation
- Lines Mapping Corresponding Points in a Reflection
- Lines Mapping Corresponding Points in a Translation
- Literal Calculations
- Literal Equation
- Literal Expression
- Litre
- Locating
- Locating Objects or Points in a Cartesian Plane
- Locating Objects or Points in a Plane
- Locating Objects or Points on an Axis
- Logarithm of a Number
- Logarithmic Equation
- Logarithmic Function
- Logic Blocks
- Logical Equivalence
- Logical Identity
- Logical Implication
- Longitude
- Loop
- Loss
- Lowest Common Multiple
- Luck
- Lucky Number
- Lune
- Lustrum
- Magic Square
- Magnitude
- Major Arc
- Major Circular Sector
- Major Circular Segment
- Major Spherical Sector
- Major Spherical Segment
- Margin of Error
- Mass
- Mathematical Constant
- Mathematical Expression
- Mathematical Finance
- Mathematical Logic
- Mathematical Point
- Mathematical Proof
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Mathematical Sentence
- Mathematics
- Matrix
- Matrix Calculations
- Matrix Size
- Maximum of a Distribution
- Maximum of a Function
- Mayer Method
- Mean
- Mean Deviation
- Mean Proportional
- Measure
- Measure of a Circle
- Measure of a Line Segment
- Measure of a Space
- Measure of a Surface Area
- Measure of an Angle
- Measure of Central Tendency
- Measure of Dispersion
- Measure of Position
- Measure of Position
- Measure of Temperature
- Measure of Time
- Measurement Conversion
- Medial Quadrilateral
- Medial Triangle
- Median
- Median Class
- Median-Median Method
- Median of a Distribution
- Median of a Quadrilateral
- Median of a Triangle
- Membership Relation
- Method of Least Squares
- Metre
- Metric Relationship
- Metric Relationships in A Circle
- Metric Relationships in a Right Triangle
- Metric Tonne
- Midpoint
- Millenium
- Millesimal Number
- Milligram
- Millilitre
- Millimetre
- Million
- Minimum of a Distribution
- Minimum of a Function
- Minor Arc
- Minor Circular Sector
- Minor Circular Segment
- Minor Spherical Sector
- Minor Spherical Segment
- Minute
- Missing Term
- Mixed Number
- Mixed Numerical Symbol
- Möbius Strip
- Modal Class
- Modality
- Mode
- Modular Arithmetic
- Monomial
- Mosaic Blocks
- Muhammad Ibn Mūsā al-Khuwārizmī (c. ~780-850)
- Multiple
- Multiplicand
- Multiplication
- Multiplication Equation
- Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar
- Multiplication of Functions
- Multiplication of Matrices
- Multiplication of Real Numbers
- Multiplication Table
- Multiplier
- Multiplying Fractions
- N-Dimensional Vector Space
- n-tuple
- Napierian logarithm of a number
- Natural Logarithm of a Number
- Negation
- Negative Number
- Neighbourhood of a Number
- Neighbourhood of a Vertex of a Graph
- Neighbouring Points
- Net of a Cone and a Cylinder
- Net of a Polyhedron
- Net of a Prism
- Net of a Solid
- Network
- Newton’s Binomial Theorem
- Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)
- Node
- Nominal Number
- Non-Polyhedron
- Non-Strict Partial Order
- Nonagon
- Norm of a Vector
- Normal
- Normed Vector
- Normed Vector Space
- Notation
- Nth Root Function
- Nth Root of a Real Number
- Number
- Number Line
- Number of
- Number Pattern
- Number System
- Number Table
- Numbers
- Numeral System
- Numerator
- Numerical Calculation
- Numerical Equation
- Numerical Expression
- Numerical Function
- Numerical Sequence
- Numerical Value of an Algebraic Expression
- Oblique Cylinder
- Oblique Prism
- Oblique Projection
- Obtuse Angle
- Obtuse Triangle
- Octagon
- Octahedron
- Odd Node
- Odd Number
- One-Point Perspective
- One-To-Many
- One-To-One
- One-To-One Correspondence
- Ones
- Open graph
- Operand
- Operation
- Operation on Polynomials
- Operator
- Opposite
- Opposite Numbers
- Opposite Vectors
- Optimization
- Optimum
- Order in a Set
- Order of a Bipyramid
- Order of a Graph
- Order of a Polynomial
- Order of a Radical
- Order of a Vertex in a Graph
- Order of Magnitude of a Number
- Order of Operations
- Order Relation
- Ordered Pair
- Ordered Set
- ordinal
- Ordinal Number
- Ordinary Fraction
- Orientation of the Geometric Plane
- Origin
- Origin of a System of Axes
- Orthocentre
- Orthogonal
- Orthogonal Lines
- Orthogonal Projection
- Orthogonal Projection Ratio
- Orthogonal Symmetry
- Orthogonal Vector Space
- Orthogonal Vectors
- Orthonormal Vector Space
- Orthonormal Vectors
- Outcome of a Random Experiment
- Pair
- Palindromic Number
- Parabola
- Parabola in a Cartesian Plane
- Parallel
- Parallel Curves
- Parallel Line Segments
- Parallel Lines
- Parallel Planes
- Parallel Projection
- Parallelepiped
- Parallelogram
- Parameter
- Parametric Equation
- Parametric Form of a Function
- Parentheses
- Part
- Part of a Set E
- Partial Variation
- Partial Variation Function
- Partition of a Set
- Pascal’s Triangle
- Path
- Pattern
- Pencil of Circles
- Pencil of Lines
- Pencil of Parallel Lines
- Pentadecagon
- Pentagon
- Pentagonal Number
- Pentahedron
- Pentomino
- Percentage
- Percentile
- Percentile Rank
- Perfect Cube
- Perfect Number
- Perfect Square
- Perimeter
- Period
- Period of a Periodic Function
- Period of a Rational Number
- Periodic Fraction
- Periodic Function
- Periodic Number
- Periodic Tessellation
- permutation
- Perpendicular
- Perpendicular Bisector
- Perpendicular Line Segments
- Perpendicular Lines
- Perpendicular Planes
- Perpendicular Vectors
- Perspective
- Physical Space
- Pi
- Pick’s Theorem
- Pictograph
- Piecewise Function
- Pierre Herigone (1580-1644)
- Place Value
- Planar Graph
- Plane
- Plane Geometric Figure
- Plane of Symmetry
- Plane Quadrilateral
- Plane Solid
- Plane Surface
- Platonic Solid
- Point
- Point of Division
- Point of Intersection
- Figures with Point Symmetry
- Polar Angle
- Polar Axis
- Polar Coordinate System
- Polar Coordinates of a Point
- Polar Graph
- Polycube
- Polygon
- Polygon Circumscribed About a Circle
- Polygon Inscribed in a Circle
- Polygonal Chain
- Polygonal Number
- Polyhedral Angle
- Polyhedron
- Polyhedron Circumscribed About a Sphere
- Polyhedron Inscribed in a Sphere
- Polyiamond
- Polynomial
- Polynomial Equation
- Polynomial Expression
- Polynomial Function
- Polyomino
- Population
- Population Size
- Position Parameter
- Position Table (Or Numeral Table)
- Positional Notation
- Positional Numeral System
- Positive Number
- Possible Event
- Possible Outcome
- Postulate
- Power
- Power Function
- Pre-Image
- Predecessor
- Prediction
- Prime Divisor
- Prime Factor
- Prime Factorization of a Number
- Prime Number
- Prime Power
- Priority of Arithmetic Operations
- Prism
- Prismatic Surface
- Probability
- Probability Calculations
- Probability Line
- Probability of an Event
- Probability Space
- Probability Tree
- Probable Event
- Product
- Product of a Matrix by a Scalar
- Product of Two Matrices
- Profit
- Program
- Proper Divisor
- Proper Fraction
- Proper Part of a Set
- Properties of an Operation
- Properties of Equations
- Properties of Radicals
- Property
- Proportion
- Proportional Quantities
- Proportional Reasoning
- Proportional Sequences
- Proportionality Constant
- Proposition
- Propositional Calculation
- Propositional Form
- Propositional Variable
- Protractor
- Put in Order
- Pyramid
- Pyramidal Number
- Pyramidal Surface
- Pythagoras (c. 580 – c. 495 BCE)
- Pythagorean Equation
- Pythagorean Table
- Pythagorean Theorem
- Pythagorean Triple
- Quadrant
- Quadratic
- Quadratic Equation
- Quadratic Function
- Quadrilateral
- Quality
- Quantifier
- Quantile
- Quantile Rank
- Quantitative Method
- Quartile
- Quartile Range
- Quintile
- Quintile Rank
- Quotient
- Radian
- Radical
- Radicand
- Radius
- Radius of a circle
- Radius of a Circular Cone
- Radius of a Circular Cylinder
- Radius of a Graph
- Radius of a Sphere
- Radius of a Torus
- Random
- Random Experiment
- Random Number
- Random Sample
- Random Variable
- Range
- Range of a Distribution
- Range of a Function
- Range of a Relation
- Rank of a Term
- Raphael Bombelli (1526-1572)
- Rate
- Rate of Change of a Function
- Rate of Return
- Ratio
- Ratio (in Geometric Sequence)
- Ratio of Proportionality
- Ratio of Similarity
- Rational Equation
- Rational Expression
- Rational Function
- Rational Number
- Rationalization of a Denominator
- Ray
- Re-Entrant Angle
- Re-Entrant Angular Sector
- Real Frequency Table
- Real Number
- Real Part of a Complex Number
- Reciprocal
- Reciprocal of a Function
- Reciprocal Operation
- Reciprocal Relationship
- Rectangle
- Rectangular Matrix
- Reducible Fraction
- Reduction
- Reference Point
- Reflection
- Reflection in a Cartesian Plane
- Reflex Angle
- Reflexive Relation
- Reflexivity
- Region In the Plane
- Regular Convex Polyhedron
- Regular Graph
- Regular Polygon
- Regular Polyhedron
- Regular Prism
- Regular Pyramid
- Regular Solid
- Regular Star Polygon
- Regular Star Polyhedron
- Regular Tessellation
- Relation
- Relationship of Congruence
- Relationship of Cyclical Variation
- Relationship of Direct Variation
- Relationship of Equality
- Relationship of Exponential Variation
- Relationship of Inequality
- Relationship of Inverse Variation
- Relationship of Parallelism
- Relationship of Partial Variation
- Relationship of Perpendicularity
- Relationship of Proportionality
- Relationship of Second-Degree Variation
- Relationship of Similarity
- Relationship of Symmetry
- Relationship of Zero Variation
- Relative Error
- Relatively Prime Numbers
- Relay Node
- Remainder
- Remote Interior Angle
- René Descartes (1596-1650)
- Reproduction
- Residue
- Residue Class Modulo N
- Result of an Operation
- Rhomb
- Rhombohedron
- Rhombus
- Rhombus-Based Pyramid
- Richard Dedekind (1831-1916)
- Right Angle
- Right Circular Cone
- Right Circular Cylinder
- Right Cone
- Right Cylinder
- Right Prism
- Right Pyramid
- Right Rectangular Prism
- Right Trapezoid
- Right Triangle
- Right Triangular Prism
- Ring
- Robert Recorde (1512-1558)
- Rod Graph
- Roman Numeral
- Root
- Root of a Polynomial
- Root of an Equation
- Rotation in a Cartesian Plane
- Rotation in a Plane
- Rotational Symmetry
- Rounded Number
- Rounding
- Row Matrix
- Rule
- Rule of Three
- Ruled Surface
- Sagitta
- Sale Price
- Salient Angle
- Salient Angular Sector
- Sample
- Sample Size
- Sampling
- Scalar
- Scalar Product of Two Vectors
- Scale Factor
- Scale of Measure
- Scalene
- Scalene Polygon
- Scalene Triangle
- Scatter Graph
- Scatter Plot
- Scientific Notation
- Secant
- Secant of an Angle
- Second
- Second-Degree Equation
- Second-Degree Polynomial Function
- Sector
- Segment
- Segment of a Curve
- Self-Intersecting or Star Quadrilateral
- Self-Intersecting Polygon
- Semi-Regular Polyhedron
- Semi-Regular Tessellation
- Semicircle
- Sense
- Sequence
- Sequence of Even Numbers
- Sequence of Multiples
- Sequence of Odd Numbers
- Sequence of Operations
- Sequence of Whole Numbers
- Series
- Set
- Set of Departure of a Relation
- Set of Destination of a Relation
- Set of Integers
- Set of Numbers
- Set of Rational Numbers
- Set of Real Numbers
- Set of Whole Numbers
- Set That Is Closed Under an Operation
- Set Theory
- Seven
- Sexagesimal
- Sexagesimal Degree
- Sexagesimal Second
- Sexagesimal Number System
- Side
- Side of a Polygon
- Side of an Angle
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sign
- Sign Rules
- Signed Number
- Significant Digit
- Similar
- Similar Figures
- Similar Fractions
- Similar Polygons
- Similar Solids
- Similar Triangles
- Similarity
- Simple Chain
- Simple circuit
- Simple Curve
- Simple Cycle
- Simple Graph
- Simple Interest
- Simple Path
- Simplified Fraction
- Sine Function
- Sine Law
- Sine of an Angle
- singleton
- Sinusoidal Function
- Skew
- Skew Lines
- Skew Quadrilateral
- Skew Surface
- Slant Height
- Slant Height of a Regular Pyramid
- Slant Height of a Right Circular Cone
- Sliding
- Slope
- Slope of a Line in a Cartesian Plane
- Small Circle of a Sphere
- Sociable Numbers
- Solid
- Solid of Revolution
- Solution Region
- Solution Set
- Solution to a System of Equations
- Solution to an Equation
- Solving Triangles
- Sophie Germain (1776-1831)
- Sorting
- Space
- Space-Filling Polyhedron
- Special
- Sphere
- Spherical Coordinates
- Spherical Degree
- Spherical Polygon
- Spherical Sector
- Spherical Segment of One Base
- Spherical Segment of Two Bases
- Spherical Triangle
- Spherical Zone
- Square
- Square Brackets
- Square Centimetre
- Square (Geometry)
- Square Kilometre
- Square Matrix
- Square Metre
- Square Number
- Square of a Number
- Square Root Function
- Square Root of a Real Number
- Square Roots of a Real Number
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Equation
- Standard Form
- Standard Form of a Function
- Star Polygon
- Statistical Attribute
- Statistical Calculations
- Statistical Class
- Statistical Data
- Statistical Inquiry
- Statistical Relationship
- Statistical Series
- Statistical Variable
- Stem and Leaf Diagram
- Step Function
- Step Function
- Straight Angle
- Straight Line
- Strict Partial Order
- Sub-Graph of a Graph
- Subjective Probability
- Subset
- Subtracting Fractions
- Subtraction
- Subtraction Equation
- Subtraction of Real Numbers
- Successor
- Sum
- Supplementary Angles
- Surface
- Surface Area
- Surface Area of a Solid
- Surface of Revolution
- Surface That Has a Net
- Survey
- Symbol
- Symmetric
- Symmetric Difference of Sets
- Symmetric Equation
- Symmetric Figure
- Symmetric Form of the Equation of a Line
- Symmetric Matrix of Order N
- Symmetric Relation
- Symmetry
- System
- System of Equations
- System of First-Degree Equations in Two Variables
- System of First-Degree Inequalities in One Variable
- System of First-Degree Inequalities in Two Variables
- System of Inequalities
- System of Second-Degree Equations in Two Variables
- Systematic Sample
- Table
- Table
- Table of Values
- Tally
- Tangent
- Tangent-Chord Angle
- Tangent Circles
- Tangent Function
- Tangent Law
- Tangent of an Angle
- Tangent to a Curve
- Tangent to Two Circles
- Tautology
- Temperature
- Tens
- Term
- Tessellation
- Tetragon
- Tetrahedron
- The Greatest
- The Least
- Theorem
- Theoretical Probability
- Third Proportional
- Thousand
- Thousands (Place Value)
- Three-Point Perspective
- Tile
- Tiling
- Timeline
- To Calculate
- To Count
- To Enumerate
- Topology
- Torus
- Total
- Total Area of a Solid
- Transcendental Equation
- Transcendental Function
- Transcendental Number
- Transformation Matrix
- Transitive Relation
- Transitivity
- Translation
- Translation Arrow
- Translation in a Cartesian Plane
- Transpose of a Matrix
- Transversal
- Transverse Axis
- Trapezohedron
- Trapezoid
- Tree
- Triangle
- Triangular Number
- Trigon
- Trigonometric Circle
- Trigonometric Equation
- Trigonometric Function
- Trigonometric Identity
- Trigonometric Ratio
- Trigonometry
- Trillion
- Trimetric Perspective
- Trimetric Projection
- Trinomial
- Triple
- True equality
- Truncated Cone
- Truncated Cylinder
- Truncated Prism
- Truncated Prism
- Truncated Pyramid
- Truncation
- Truncation
- Truth Table
- Truth Value
- Twenty
- Twin Primes
- Two-Point Perspective
- Unary Operation
- Uniform Tessellation
- Union
- Unit Circle
- Unit Fraction
- Unit of Measurement
- Unit of Measurement of Capacity
- Unit of Measurement of Distance
- Unit of Measurement of Mass
- Unit of Measurement of Space
- Unit of Measurement of Surface Area
- Unit of Measurement of Time
- Unit Price
- Unit Rate
- Unit Rate
- Unit Vector
- Unitary Matrix
- Universal Set
- Universe
- Universe of Events
- Universe of Possible Outcomes
- Unknown
- Value
- Valued Graph
- Vanishing Line
- Variable
- Variable Term
- Variance
- Variation
- Vector
- Vector Calculations
- Vector Equation
- Venn Diagram
- Vertex
- Vertex in a Graph
- Vertex of a Polygon
- Vertex of a Solid
- Vertex of an Angle
- Vertex of an Angular Sector
- Vertex of the Graph of a Function
- Vertical Angles
- vinculum
- Volume
- Web Diagram
- Weight
- Weighted Graph
- Weighted Mean
- Whole Fraction
- Whole Number
- Whole Part of a Real Number
- Width
- William Jones (1675-1749)
- William Oughtred (1574-1660)
- Winding Function
- X- and Y-Intercepts
- X-Axis
- X-Coordinate
- X-Intercept
- Y-Axis
- Y-Coordinate
- Y-Intercept
- Year
- Z-Axis
- Z-Coordinate
- Z-Score (Or Standard Score) of a Datum
- Zero
- Zero Angle
- Zero Matrix
- Zero of a Function
- Zero of a Polynomial
- Zero Vector