Statistical Attribute

Statistical Attribute

Characteristic on which a statistical study is based.

  • Qualitative statistical attribute
    Attribute that cannot be associated to one discrete or continuous numerical set.
    We talk about qualitative attributes when this attribute is not quantitative (language, preference, industry, colour, gender, etc…)
  • Continuous quantitative statistical attribute
    Statistical attribute that can take all values contained in a given real interval.
  • Discrete quantitative statistical attribute
    Statistical attribute that can take a finite number of values in a given interval.


In a statistical inquiry concerning the different aspects of trips taken by people in the summer, the destination country is a qualitative statistical attribute.

In a statistical inquiry concerning the fluctuation in sea level in centimetres during the same period of the year, the sea level is a continuous quantitative statistical attribute.

In a statistical inquiry concerning the salaries earned by different company executives rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, the salary amount is a discrete quantitative statistical attribute.

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