Denominate Number

Denominate Number

Number associated with what it counts, evaluates, measures, quantifies, or describes in any way.

In some ways, a denominate number is a number-of something.


  • A temperature is usually represented by a denominate number, for example: 10 °C.
  • A size is often expressed by a denominate number, for example: 172 cm.
  • A measurement is not a denominate number, but a number that forms part of a denominate number. This means that the measurement of a square surface is the area of this square. An area of 100 m² is a denominate number, a number-of square metres.
  • An angle of rotation is a denominate number (and not a geometric shape).

Educational Note

When solving calculations, we use numbers and not denominate numbers. The answer to a calculation is also expressed by a number, while the solution to a problem often requires using a denominate number in order to show what we’re talking about.

Problem: In a jar, there are 8 blue balls and 6 yellow balls. How many balls are there in this jar?
Calculate : 8 + 6 = 14.
Answer : 14 balls.

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